Lo studio pubblicato sul Journal of Ageing Research.

I nati in autunno vivrebbero più a lungo

di oggisalute | 17 luglio 2012 | pubblicato in Ricerca

Buone notizie per i nati durante l’autunno: chi festeggia il proprio compleanno tra settembre e novembre ha infatti più possibilità di raggiungere i 100 anni rispetto ai nati durante gli altri mesi dell’anno. Il mese di nascita, infatti, influenzerebbe comportamento, genetica e risposta alle malattie, come rivela un nuovo studio pubblicato sul Journal of Ageing Research.

“Abbiamo raccolto dati riguardanti 1.500 centenari e ultracentenari statunitensi nati tra il 1880 e il 1895”, affermano Leonid Gavrilov e Natalia Gavrilova, ricercatori dell’University of Chicago a capo dello studio. “La maggior parte di loro – continuano – era nata durante l’autunno, mentre molto pochi erano gli ultracentenari nati i Marzo, Maggio e Luglio”.

“La spiegazione più popolare a questo fenomeno è che – spiegano – le infezioni stagionali creino dei danni a lungo termine per i più giovani, ma i nati in autunno vengono esposti presto e quindi si immunizzano prima”.


  1. Chopixsmll scrive:

    Happy Anniversary to a great couple! Kacy, I hope the hives go away along with the tinedress and nausea. Have you had you appointment yet? Please let us know all the important details . Love you both .Aunt Sue

  2. Raja scrive:

    Need DOCTOR in PEORIA ILLINOIS who will listen about my hives.?Please let me know if anynoe knows of a good doctor that will listen to symptoms and past history of chronic hives.I got them in 1994 and they were in such a vicious cycle that they would not stop until I had a series of steroid injections and pills for one month. They would calm down and then slowly start up again in the legs and eventually spread everywhere. They are mostly in the legs and buttocks.It seemed like I would get them when I had sinus infections paired up with stepping foot on a cold surface. Yes, cold floors set off the hives. Even pressure and touch when they were in overtime.I had to write down all of my foods, and use a gentle baby soap with no smell made out of corn, I think. The laundry detergent was a no scent, anti-allergic baby laundry soap. Because I have migraines on the side, my food is pretty limited. No soy sauce, no aged cheese, no restaurants, no chocolate. So that is not an issue. I am reviewing the histamine-free diet now and will try to be more gluten-free. What the hay.All of those medical records with no diagnosis except hives and treatment with steroids is in another country where I lived 17 years. The temperature year around was 85b0F and it was typical to have marble floors so they were always icy cold. I always wore my thongs (new word-flip flops). My feet take a long time to get warm because I had frost bite at the age of 10. That is what makes me think I am not so intolerant to cold because if I went back to the Midwest over the holidays, it would take a long time for my feet to heat up and they would get red, itchy welts.When I finally took an aggressive treatment for sinus infection in that country. Changed diet to present, and drank a natural yogurt daily, I did not have them for 3-4 years. The yogurt I drank was a natural form that I have not been able to find here in the U.S. It looks like white coral or a white head of cauliflower. Every day it had to be strained with a plastic sieve, to another glass, then pour sterilized water from a glass bowl, not metal to clean it, and then put it in a sterilized glass, fill up with milk, and put a cheese clothe with a rubber band to keep it clean and breath on the counter. The next day, the same process. That cauliflower looking stuff would grow and you could pinch it off and give to a neighbor for them to start their own. I have no idea how it gets started. That is the big secret. This yogurt was for people with stomach problems. After two months, I had no more symptoms of the hives. I was hive free.We moved back to the states in 2006 and not until now do I have this again. The doctor in East Peoria told me to not use soap, do not use laundry soap, and make a diary of food. I explained to him that I have done that all before in the past and would like some other kinds of tests. I am back to square one and feel like crying. Of course I will follow those orders but I would just like to be tested properly.This itch is so maddening and I am not a complainer but it really pulls me down. If you say you broke out again, the family is like, oh, okay. You cannot help but become insensitive about this because it gets old when it happens for years. I am not ready to go back to this itch and waste another $3000 before some doctor decides to listen. So, does anynoe know of a good general physician in the Peoria area? I am on a network of doctors with the insurance and can even go anywhere in the state of Illinois. It would be nice to stay in this area where I live but I just want things ruled out.Kefir Grains is that yogurt! Take time to google it because it is very beneficial to your system. It is intended for people with digestive problems.

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